Top 10 Anticipated 2020 Kickstarters!

Hi guys and welcome to my top 10 of the most anticipated kickstarters of 2020. This will only focus on the kickstarters that will be launched in 2020 and of course they are only the ones that I already know, but these are really the biggest ones that I can't say for sure even though we didn't know Oh swore all the way this time and in 2018
2019 then and obviously that would have been on my list, so from what we know now this is going to be my top 10. Now let's get started really fast before we start. I release it right after Christmas, so I hope you did. I hope you are as excited about 2020 as I am. 2019 has been a great year for Kickstarter Miniature Board Games, and I am very excited to see what 2020 will bring. Things keep looking better and better and better produced better done better and always a better deal for us consumers, so they really are happy for a lot of kick ass but again only my top ten here as always if you do Enjoy the content on the channel Make sure you subscribe and as always leave a like or a share which helps a lot as it is free. Okay, let's get to that, and I'm actually going to start with an honorable mention, so this didn't make it into the top 10, but it's close and I'll explain why I'll actually explain all my reasons for being so commendable to mention that it's going to be the last saga of mythical games now because it's not in the top 10 and just because I don't know enough they did a mythical game teaser where they showed some of the miniatures and some of the artwork and provide some sort of quick synopsis of that, the main theme and maybe a little bit of the story if it's based on a story we don't know we don't know much about it which is just not enough to get me excited I like the idea I like the name I like the style of the miniatures and the style of the theme that is going on here but that's it and I can't get excited about just an idea or concept so I haven't done mine

Top 10, but I strongly suspect that as we learn more about the game, mythical games will make for great games. I have really enjoyed a lot of their games and they also make some well produced games so I can't wait to do that that's why the role was mentioned so kasam but until we know more it's too soon ok the top -10 right list to get started. Number 10 is Awaked Realms' Vanguard. I really wanted a sleek and clean sci-fi game, plus a sandbox game, and I hope Isis Vanguard can do that. I had no other game information to immediately pique my interest, and I haven't checked it out as Isis Vanguard is coming anyway, so it's not really a reason for me to go back in time if I keep moving forward, I can see into the future so I hope that isis vanguard can do it for me mass effect style if you know what comes from video games that is very elegant futuristic you know more colorful more interesting kind of science fiction not super dark you know dark or something like that can't wait for the art to be new good I don't know how much but on their Facebook page and group they have a whole one They have shared a lot of different and similar images and have an idea of ​​what kind of actions you will perform I am excited by these images so I can't wait for the officer learn more soon enough. Issue 9 Dragon Ball Z, the miniatures game from Come on and IDW. Okay, now again, those first ones, then again. I just need more information but what I can Let's just say I'm a huge Dragon Ball fan. i love dragon ball z and awesome and my kids loved it so i watched it awesome with them and they enjoyed it is a good family time for us to get together and enjoy something rare beautiful when you have kids, especially the little ones, they like something that you enjoy too, usually they like something that you suffer because you love your children and I have that they just have to ask to see it. I think so, let's look super that sounds like a miniature game

Great now Angry Joe and Jessica, we're going to do the fighting style with their pre-painted miniatures in a big way and it's going to be great and you'd better think it will be like this everywhere, just like their Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat loved it all, so it's great but come on it means I can paint them too and it's really exciting, it would be something that there would be a lot of OSL effects that I could just have the idea of ​​painting Dragon Ball Z I think it's very cool, lots of bright colors, lots of aliens, many different textures, very similar to battle damage, so you need the blood effects and stuff like that, sounds really really cool. Can't wait to see what they look like, I can't know anything about the game but only in miniature and this kind of hobby really excited me and of course I love the IP is so enthusiastic is also the reason it is not higher in mine list just because I don't know the game, if I knew it and it seemed acceptable enough it would definitely be higher than number 9, but we have to go to number 8. I have already talked about it in some of my videos if you are new to the channel, be sure to check the my previous videos and pretty much every aspect because it looks very well produced, it looks like it has some interesting mechanics, the gameplay thing they show, playing like campus, so it's like an area control game, right, and you have those areas, but you can have these trade routes through the camels separating the areas, and you can do it to stop a buff that someone would have because they would own that part but not now because they don't own that part or just l to divide for other uses I think the concept alone is really interesting

Has the monster hiring thing that was part of Blood Rage and part of Rising Sun and if I'm going to be part of Ankh is the third and like Eric Lange's mythological board game trilogy or they have some similarities, when it comes to you guys on a map area check and me, no use of monsters and it looks really good gameplay wise from what i have seen and again the ancient egypt theme is something i really like but mostly something my wife loves really and he is interested which means that as long as we are both interested and the game is good enough, we will have a lot of playing time is that an obvious return for all I know, I will actually come back and put on the table as many times as I can let's say half the time that we buy these games is lan on our den shelves, we will play them once or twice and then move on to the next or whatever, I have a feeling, it will be pretty much on table ten unless it's bad. I'll let you know an inevitable review after it's number 7. Conan over the monolith of the monolith. This will be here on January 6th so expect a day 1 video soon here on January 6th or I was talking to you about it some kind of kickstarter but the game details and kickstarter campaign specs and then of course my royal decree, where I'm talking about 'opinion, but obviously at number 7 in my top 10 of 2020 this is quite at the top of my list, the reason is because I particularly like what they are doing with the monolith beyond everything it allows me to do to use the my game components more and you make my purchases more sensible because I can actually use them on other systems so great that I can't wait to see if other people support it or if this explodes into something where you know I could play a game of zombies with my Conan mini kits and and how these and interact with each other I simply intend to purchase a new Zombicide that has these new rules, a Using my old minis sounds great - hey, l or is

much cheaper I could actually collect a lot more from the sums even if that were the case there would be one thing soon where I could just get the horde mechanic from the green horde or if I let you know from the outside he could be an intruder or if I could get you know it sounds really good. I like that if you know if you could take romero mode you know from the new one they just had night of the living dead version with different possibilities so i think the future is crazy open with that so i like conan i played every single scenario of retail conan because I own all the Conan Retail. I can't wait to start them. Can't wait to get Kickstarter stuff I'm super excited it's my wife's favorite game so it's back on the table. I love it. I love the river system, it's a really great system and their PvP is still scenario based, so I like that it's not just pure skirmish, but it has a bit of spice, but it's more open and who you can choose, and stay both using the river system, it's just, it's a good system, a good play, a good idea, obviously it has to be in my top ten and that's why it gets to number seven Then comes number six, Kingdoms of Forlorn now this should be awesome and it should be noted that this got to number six because we know nothing about this game A great game that I enjoyed playing and Trespass Odyssey at least a prelude. It was very well done. Lots of play. Some great game mechanics like hard co-op system radically change the way you play, the way you watch other people's moves Great system, wonderful miniature, create a good backdrop for all the exciting realms that are probably alien

Totally unrelated, but this was such a positive experience on my part, especially from a prototype standpoint and how soon it was not how cool it was that whatever their next game could be an announcement in my KS 2020 video was that they just wanted to do something exclusive there and tell Loren it's coming, so it's just like the logo with a face in the background. I'm excited. I'm looking forward to talking to them more about harassment, you better believe it and I'm sure I'll cover more details as they become available. So keep an eye on it again if you are interested in these things subscribe to them because I will be reporting this throughout 2020 when I have more information on how he was the first to give you the Triskelion and all the different dives into the gameplay of it to the Trespassing Odyssey shows. I'll do the same because this is where two kingdoms really get excited, except at number five, mythic battles are ragn arok which was actually a no-brainer because I loved conan and beyond moths but it will be a smaller campaign, right, or ragnarok will be these big, full blown, typical mythic battles, you know kickstarter and that's what makes the mythic battle system a little more exciting. I know I haven't reviewed it. I apologize. I'll try to get a review before Ragnarok comes out on Kickstarter, so look for mythic battles after the Pantheon, but Ragnarok is just kind of a Norse version that I love and it's exciting, the miniatures look super stylized, beautiful and interesting and I can't see the 'time to see her face all this, both the myth and only the individual characters and our artistic expression. The system is really good, although I really like the game, you can play anyone Act differently in the character and in the skirmish the maps are really fun, the different battle modes are really fun and the scenarios are really fun as long as they are balanced . I'm super excited, can't wait to explore my already crazy big mythical battle pantheon to expand with Ragnarok. I can use them because I've already done Titans vs Gods right

Let's enlighten ourselves as gods vs you know how pantheon vs ragnarok, it's going to be really cool, so super excited about it, so now it's my war forever limbo number 5 number 4. The reason why this number 4 is just because I have had such a great experience kicking off the first. I enjoyed seeing the breakouts. I updated the tease. I love to see all the cool miniatures, if you are a miniature lover, if you not only appreciate miniature details, but also shape the design and composition and all that, then Limbo War Forever is for you as long as you are in some kind of fantasy setting above all I suppose and it actually reminds me a bit of such a thing from Darksiders just because it has the angels, demons and humans that somehow coexist and go on with things on their own, but this is going to be an introduction some crazy dragons, it will introduce some more Nordic stuff again, you get a lot of that kind, you know, leather armor and big buckle shields and all that stuff that looks really cool. I'm just really excited about this and can't wait for the game to spend an asset, but in order to spend it you're actually giving it to your opponents, so you're saying I want to, even though you know full well I'll let you make me stuff and that kind of throw and I do it or I don't give up or you know I make them bleed and I make them pay me and I get it I mean it sounds cool and so I'm really interested in the game and of course the miniatures and that's why it breaks the my top 5 at number 4. Next number 3 is Sheol. What can I say about Sheol? It continues to surprise me, the gameplay does not

anything similar to what I have on my game shelf which excites me the IP and the theme is nothing like what I have on my game shelves and that excites me it has one of the most impressive central game pieces I have ever seen it's this huge well it starts out as a small shitty city and as you build it up it becomes this like big giant city that just looks super impressive and you can venture out into their fight these bad you know like weird shadow things and they start small but then they get really big and colossal and so you're fighting those and it just looks super interesting everything about it is interesting and they talk about like I think it was a the moon is bleeding or some junk like that and and just the the design of the heroes looking like some kind of crazy version of Tron it just it looks fascinating it looks interesting and I can't wait to see more number - Cinco cushion 5 sacrifices I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right I hope I am but either way this looks re ally exciting I love kind of the anime clean look they have to it when it comes to the art the miniatures from what we've seen which is very little seem quite interesting I'm I'm definitely interested in finding out more so I' m looking forward to seeing that in greater detail the idea of ​​the city building but then also battling seems kind of interesting I don't know if it's inevitably like a KTM genre kind of thinking like am trespass odyssey or oath sworn or while descent or enum death monster i don't quite know if it's replaced village with city or replace you know city with city traveling or i I'm not sure yet but it's enough to get me excited because I like the kind of Civ Plus bow I love Civ games and that's fun and exciting and kind of like a puzzle way but and a progression I like the progression of it but at the end of the day I want to have miniatures and roll dice and play cards and have a lot of fun in exciting moments doing battle - so if I can get both in one game I'm sol d and again the style seems really cool and I'm really looking forward to learning more about it number one celestial by dimension games celestial has

it was on my list of expected games, especially in the beginning, since I first discovered the world when I spoke to Byron. This was the moment we learned from each other. I guess I can say I'm just thrilled that it has such an interesting world and IP built around it and I think you will really appreciate it. I'm trying to give as much coverage as possible on my channel in 2020 but can't wait, it looks like it's some kind of RTS style game or real time strategy game if you know it like Warcraft or Starcraft or some Command & Conquer or something like that on your old PC games or newer PC games if it's Starcraft 2 and stuff but still it sounds like that, so you have these command units and then you also have some kind of minions and you can in some way to use them separately and ship them and do different things, so it's kind of like a skirmish game but with those big commander gates it might be like a little bit of hate with the press. Not sure we need to see again Yeah I'll tell you, but the theme and thumbnails are great. Celestial's novelty is my favorite miniature so far I've seen so far, the expression on her face is amazing, her natural tech look is perfect, the strand of DNA in your hands is amazing and the fact that it's all DNA Strange is the worried look it all fits into the story and I spoke to Byron about the story that I'm sure you probably know more than most of you here. I love it, maybe even make a story video about it. Let me know in the comments below if you're interested in learning more about the world of celestial bodies that I might be able to talk to Byron about. I am making a video in collaboration with him and I will give it shape or form in some way I need to

Talk to them anyway. Just tell me if they might interest you because this world is essentially like Game of Thrones with these weird semi-human alien tech beings and then you know how different gods and humans live and humans like speakers or as a prophet of theirs and you know you say things politically problematic and then you get kicked out and all these fools of yours know houses and protectors and you know different groups of political people and it sounds fascinating about the world, art and miniatures and that the gameplay looks by far interesting, can't wait that blue people are okay, this is my top 10. I don't know if you can tell them or not but I'm looking forward to 2020. There are some great games coming out that I can't wait to find out more about and to really see firsthand. I can't wait to get my hands on some of these in the next year 2021 2022 which will be great because it would be weird to think that I will be talking to you guys in 2022, but I'm excited and can't wait to watch these games share with you as always. Thanks for watching. I would like to know what your top 10 are. It would really help me to evaluate how and in parallel we are. They know we're on the same page or on the same page, or we're even in the same book. I could just help you know what interests you, what happens when you are interested in something and I haven't even heard of it. I might have something to do with this. Maybe something we need to talk about. Maybe I need to have something on this channel. I won't know until you tell me I'd like it

to read it and comment and see just where and what we are looking for in 2020 you can refer to my great 2020 Kickstarter video i will be sure to link it below if you haven't seen it yet make sure you do it will give you a good list in chronological order of con these Kickstarters and when they come out and a little bit more about each of them at least the info we know guys thank you so much for watching again hope you had a wonderful year hope you were looking forward to 2020 as much as I am , I would like to make a big shout out to my supporters because without them the quality and quantity of these videos would not be here you would not have gotten three videos this week like you just did and they would not be of the quality that they are so thank you for that I always appreciate yours support for honest game coverage if you can give, please feel free to look again at the link in the description below at the patreon link where it helps all the money back no directly into the channel so i can give you more awesome content just like this guys thank you so much for watching and again even if you can't give alright i understand and i understand and love you for being here anyway alright that's how i have to get ready for some January videos so I'll talk to you soon


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