Fallout Wasteland Warfare Wave 2 Raiders & RPG OCD Unboxing! Part 1

 Let's start with unpacking, that's fine. I must first decide which garbage can is part of Wave 2 for Odysseus Entertainment's Fallout Waste and Warfare line. This introduces the Raiders faction, which is pretty exciting, and here you get seven different ones, all of them unique and unique bases, all these fun stuff, and then it's pretty awesome. I've actually already looked at a PDF of this which has an educator in the school PDF talking about PDF which is really good for research. I love that you use all their stuff, but like you have all the minis you need, you have all the train you need, all that kind of stuff, which is really exciting, so why don't we open it not quite before and then I move on to the minis and of course I'll put them together at the end and show that you can have a conversation session with them and what they look like so I know I didn't take the shift like the wasteland war, as far as I'm concerned, before that I wrote a lot of reviews. My general thoughts on this are very thematic and a board has given me enough that I appreciate it so every time you have to pull out a ruler I take one I'm a little tired of the table look versus the board game look but with enough tokens and cards and the fact that i measure it is like a colored stick its just a board game enough i really enjoy and the course alike iep so ok so tied very nice open it blue ok so first of all i find that is great how great the book is really useful and I will also see a great summary here. I don't know if there is an index or not I am checking and indexing the index, page 136, let's take a look at the glorious thing here, some show some of the things you can have back, they have so many things, it's a crazy index of super useful symbols and then check out ladies and gentlemen how to make your book usable when i need it if i want to know about loaded guns or hunter you know what i know its on page 32 and nowhere else if i need to learn about it

The hub, I know it's on page 4, seven and eight, so even though I find it on page 4, I know it mentions seven and eight there, super useful, okay, anyway, there's a lot going on here, so you just do an introduction so to speak hey you know what's in our paper and pin roleplay and then you have like the waste world and where it is the enclave of the institute of super mutants, the survivors of the brotherhood marauders in Steel and the wasteland in general have to talk about some sort of character creation.If you weren't the GM you'd like to look at a lot of this section here and maybe part of it just to understand what's going on and then the Rules of the Game , and you know, of course, it's just that a GM could read and somehow help people or other people can, it doesn't matter now, this is more about the Warden or the GM, specifically it's something they'll probably really want to see here, and then they really have a campaign here, it's really cool, often you take on a camel, why do you go on a mission, there is some kind of, uh, analyzable, the kind of robot you hit and you can somehow decide what you want to do there, but just a lot of people you can see a little - The added laser bullets did not have mini laser sub bolts but only the amount of things like this barricade, which you can buy, you can buy all these minis, it is really very useful to have physical things to really sell them in the world, especially specially built things, not you're like, oh here i was it was a scorpion i am i will use it as a rat scorpion to get all this stuff but it also has a lot of reuses for like paint, tokens and stuff so it's more than just a mini anyway really cool stuff like You can see it's a lot of Z eug and it looks like it's well done yes so we have that too so you can make a little bookmark you probably want I guess I usually like sticky notes here something of the kind, so the cards and all, the call- exits are pretty good, um, you know the little call boxes and then of course the examples seem to be a lot, which is nice and talks a little bit about the things you're doing

here anyway i am really happy with this i will definitely have to try to do it i have a person who could actually GM a game for me so if that happens i will let you know ten-four minis now of course there will be links in the description below so follow those if you are so inclined to the kids if you know if you will fall or just a kind of level more skirmish between the table and the board game ball this is definitely one of the really cool ones i have found and of course it is so i mean you can delve into this as you need , of course that's okay so in here you will get the Raider power armor and then three regular Raiders two psychos on one ask for a lair so let's take a look inside the box and see separated actually quite well which I appreciate, let's move on and we open this well and it doesn't seem like you have many times they put the sheet for a mission here and I don't see one there so I assume not there but you get the minis on which they stand as a single sprue they come in separate bags they are all resin which is very cool means its quality is super super good here and so this way you can also stay organized so you knowing this arm goes here and as you can see it's not a lot of assembly so you only have one arm and then you only have one peg now when you do this one thing to note is when you cut them you will cut them out here not here this is part of the post that goes into the base and then here this little nub here let me make sure you can actually see what I am looking at ok so this nub here you want to keep actually goes in here this helps guide it and adds a lot more surface for the glue to hold and then you will cut the bumps here not up here so he can actually post mmm here is the power armor here and you can see so he has the head and then the two arms the suitors in two heads two arms the rest of the body is the same and then put the one at the base

however you see it fits because it looks like I can see all the posts it can go to, let's say it has two little bumps here but I don't think it's actually for nothing, which I can tell anyway, and then obviously a bit of tidying up, so you're going to get a little, just a little bit of flash here, nothing big, so you can see some of the plastic going on here in regards to the details. I saw you know everything here is a little bit sharper it's perfectly sharp, all her facial details are here, she has a nose, she even has two nostrils and a mouth, she's not open or anything, she doesn't really have much of expression there and the hair is styled as well as the points here very nice i like to see this is very good and yeah so the little um kind of screws on the side here are really good, really happy with those and then of course again the kind of cables or rivets here also very nice fingers look nice middle layers look nice here and then of course this is deep enough to wash really well unlike some of the textured board game bases I have seen which can get very flat. This is actually very d. This shows an extremely good wash which is very good which means it also dries very well and then there are some finer details here just a little bit just to get there very cool, alright, let's see, let's take a look at some others so these must be the two psychopaths here so all drawn it would look like that maybe if you draw it right or if you want to draw this pattern but ok anyway so here are the two psychopaths so you have that love hair on this one let me get my pointer which I always use. Wait a minute here we love the hair, the hair is just great again you can see the little one and it just comes off like it's not even really attached it comes off very easily no problem so again the little rivets and details on the chest, very good, the separation of the layers between a kind of its inner arm here and this kind of li The rawhide fabric here is very noticeable, which is good, sometimes things like this blend, the lines here are very clear, you can tell he has a grenade in his hand


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