it works quite well and has a curved tube, its fingers came out very well, very happy there was a bit of a post here. Let's see the prom. I need to be clean and it shouldn't be there so you have to cut a little bit there, hopefully you can see that yes and more your posts will come here and you will want to cut it here and not quite on the sole of the foot, now its feet they are raised so yeah actually it always has some kind of heel that would always be completely flat and so it's always nice to look at the soles of your feet to see that texture, sometimes they even bring the texture there when they are on the base and you won't see it if the profile is still there which I always think is just nice a little cute especially if you build it the other way maybe yes all the straps a good texture here is good, it's just good all around and again it would look nothing of the gender on his base and so obviously you have the much less cool guy here no you actually know his mask is pretty awesome is, or you know, because you can barely see his face here, he's just wrapped up in that mo do, which is great, I think I like his sword too, and again, often there is just one texture here, you have to feel like this little texture painter or some people get a whole kind of paint for the diorama structure here to build stuff like this but it's just a fact and then it's already been put, like these little doors or you know what kind of junk there is, it's cool is the gun detail here, he really likes it, so it's a gun kissing his arm, but it's like the three barrels or maybe his two barrels are like, I don't know how it should be, I love the satchels here again very nice, it's very um, it looks very straight here, but when look hey look his arm he's actually up so he's like over his shoulder and then look a little to the side which gives him a real one s feeling, normally you would say he is very static but I think it works enough well, especially with the gun slightly off to the side, he's just looking at himself ntire something you are really enjoying there anyway
That's fine and all three Raiders and he are going to come out pretty good as far as I can tell, love the type of fence posts that are going on here that are going to look really nice painted I think too and then he has both Arms on it. He's got a gun of his, so he's got this big gun here, the same type of gun that looks almost the same as the other guy, but he's holding it very differently and he's definitely in a running stance like that, chicken is a lot cool, and although it's on top, I'm not seeing a similar texture on the bottom of the shoes here, so they're very flat, you could mold something into it if you wanted, or maybe it just doesn't have a profile. I don't know but I always try to look for it there the profile so I didn't see any profile here. I would have liked to see something, maybe, I mean, unless he likes wearing skate shoes or something I think he should have. The muscle work here is very good, there's a bit of a mold line I see here on the back of his head that needs cleaning beforehand Or I painted him so this goes around the back and I don't really see it you know oh yeah you see so it's actually pretty much going all the way down here very small like i can't even i can barely understand it here but it's there. I think this is me, catching a small shape line on the side. IM up. He's on the other side or not. Yes, a bit on the other side. I may not have noticed that on the others I just didn't see it yeah so it's there but it's very like someone is here that I didn't really notice and they also have a lot of straps that kind of does it hide, and maybe this one's a little worse, so I can tell his features are really nice here, he's got his mouth open, he's almost like he's growling, if that has any teeth at all, and everyone thinks about what the real scale of these is, i mean they aren't huge, the orbs here look really nice, straps there, love to see these, that's great that being said yeah i mean yeah well clean up cause it's so minor there and resin is harder what on earth why is your gun in here what happened here? really just scrapes off a lot better than the board game stuff, so if you come here
Board games are usually such that PVC also puts it in your abs, it's much more difficult and if you scratch it it comes off right away. It's very nice again, a very detailed base. I like that he is actually a little fatter he is cute and here if he is I like his hair again on this one the ears are very well shaped he has two very defined cheekbones which is cute I can help there is a little bit too of texture on some type of armor I've always thought. This armor looked a bit like Gordon Freeman from a design point of view. I don't know why, just because it has a bit of the same chest armor. Yes I like this, she is fine and then this is the success and then this is the woman we just saw and the last guy here will be, I think this, yes yes, well, you can tell us the hair, and one more time I like that his head is a little twisted which gives them a bit of a kind of a run and shoot like maybe from front to back which is nice and so we have his gun exactly attached here and sometimes it just happens that it breaks because it tries to make it pretty brittle right there wherever it gets cut and that means when it breaks it breaks right where it should still love the crack on the computer screen here, the key here, these are little buttons. I mean it's so detailed it's really cool how the details of all these are great they also wear similar types of armor so they all match really well which I also appreciate that is pretty much all of this is him here we go ahead and I intend to go ahead and build them and then put them on some kind of nice turntable so you can see them well guys so he built them all here and it didn't take long he did it quite easily in an afternoon as you saw there at most three parts of the 4 August so a base one person and two arms you are not like guns attacking a little tiny hands like before does nothing like that in Warhammer and they all have quite a lot except for power armor to have little pegs to insert and help them
They are just safer so you don't have to worry about putting them on the table as you can see that all of their bases are nice and flat and because they are also made of resin and perfectly shaped to stand on and I have to say I really liked the details. One thing you'll notice here is, well I don't know if you'll notice it or not, hopefully not, I cleaned them up a bit so they all had the mold lines and you know it's usually just through the side is being made so the worst part was between her legs so it's right on both sides of her leg and so you can tell the seam is just coming from the two steel molds they're going to use or whatever mold they're using , where they meet a tiny piece of resin or plastic will somehow seep in, and making that gap as small as possible to make that little flash as possible is always the goal, but in any case, the detail is definitely what you always are very happy with these when they come to the harz is pretty much the entire line. I guess I don't think they offer anything that's all plastic. You always have a resin option here and yes they will look great they will paint well the level of detail I see fit to the maximum I want and that is quite appropriate I think for raiders many others you know settlers and you even know people in power armor stocks that don't usually have much of it although my new stuff should be detailed and i don't want to be able to paint them as a painter and they look good without Spending hours and hours and hours just painting some tiny tiny little details that don't make you see from afar anyway so very happy with the sculpt design happy with the quality these look great link in the description below If you would like me to review this game, let me know in the comments. I would like to know if this is something you would be interested in. Given my thoughts I can definitely make an effort to do so if you wish. If you want to see more unboxings of the Wave 2 stuff just let me know and subscribe for more or content as always. Thanks for watching and I'll be speaking to you soon
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