Unboxing the BEST game of 2020!

 Hey guys, I'm super excited because my future game of the year is here today, it's going to be huge. I'm so excited to show you guys, so let's stop talking and get into this wonder, well guys, now. Before I get into the merits, I just want to say that I like a lot of miniatures like this guy, he's great but you know what the game is bad, it doesn't matter the same goes for this really great mini, no wonder why he's stupid why not will be that I will play it every single day for a long time after opening it super excited about this, I was looking for, I have been talking to you for a while guys, I want to say it and then this is just a suggestion but obviously one of my favorite movies and not just because c 'it's my girl C but I mean, it's quality entertainment so let's open it up and make it go oh man I like to shake ok in here, we got our heads down, let's go outta here monopoly u nicorns vs llamas its true it was like that when i found they did i was so excited as if i meant this is for serious gamers only two to six gamers im age eight and here's where look at all this look at thumbnails look how you get two dad the custom are custom they are pink and white kind of like ice cream i like and you have all the different, uh, the different places and it's like a team against a team because it's really strategic alright let's start oh man i'm shaking Guys, I hope you're excited, I'm pumped, oh my god, ok, I'm sweating, here, here you pick your team and prove your tough beast is the best. Check that you need to enter beast mode to solve this problem. Okay, first things first. cardboard the cardboard is the typical typical cardboard alright alright nice job with glue actually with some wonderful colors of the rainbow i like i like pink and how it fades better to purple and it's great but if you make me a good blue-green there isn't much of it

teal, but it would be ideal, but everything looks fine. You look at this so you get something like the little one, like when you take the gift box and use the last one a bit. That's how Monopoly does a little bit with the latter, so you get that little kind of everything that's okay. Throw it away, look at that, you get two different kinds of bills, because it's team based again, ok, you have to play llama vs unicorn here, see how easy it is to open anyone. Do it, your kids might do it, but you don't want them touching it will take forever. It's one game at a time, one session at a time. Look, this will be right back. That's great, that's okay, you've got 100, you've got 500, and you're probably less than 500, because you don't need much, because I mean, you're not that good at the game obviously, so you're going to have a lot of these 100, um, you will get used to only having single as you know so you have a lot of singles who are important to really move that I got rid of them then, that look is easy to open. I see you get what little you get just like the other you get comes where it's easy so I'm glad they add them so you can just open them really easy, they really are, you know it's just that kind of customer centric mindset they have is really good. Discover the storage solution. Check it. Can't wait to try it out. Hear that creak, this is the quality open up come on come on now look at this look first of all i want to say you get so much you get the most charming the most dramatic the best best stroller i know i want that cutest look to hug most likely the one save the day and see the one that only has unicorns on this one

But I don't know let's go to the lamas where the lamas there are no lamas this is this look at this is really the same but this one has the unicorn and then the lama and you will notice that here you have really cute letters and everything you notice but it's still like a rainbow sherbet and it's still colorful and shimmering i've done it all over the attention to detail is what i'm really looking for the coolest best party tee pattern -Theme, oh, sassiest, you know I want it, ok, so purple, purple and what was it, what was the fluffiest, ooh, I don't like it? I don't know if I want the fluffiest then look at this you have all these things you have the question marks and then you have the other kind of question marks once you have two different question marks you have oh oh oh oh look look look good they have horseshoes you see they can eat nition in the details thats what i like and then you have this little um i don't know tell me how you look what it does so you can see this i will zoom you guys you gotta see the details ok let me know how you it seems. I think it looks like a llama house and if you said otherwise you are wrong for sure these are llama hooves have progressed to the cutest look this see go straight there keep this card secret you don't have to remove a token from a stuck pile see like this it's like steroid monopoly it's like advanced level stuff here these are uh lamas have three stomachs Imagine how much cake they can eat or ice cream, um to advance to the next declared track ow follow the rules of this room ok okay i won don't spoil the album here is a lot for you to discover, alright let's take a look

storage look storage right here look this feel this quality i love black you know i love black black is back it's great i love it because you like to keep all your stuff here everything is fine it fits well so you don't have much space except here you have a lot of space here but minus minus all the space here not a lot of space okay i will shrink it again you can see everything well so i like how to empty it is here and if you ignore that half of the board or that half of the box it is like a super color and this is the quality, alright now we have, oh look at it and this is useful because you can love to put it on your wall and make it look so real, you can also like the team you don't like if you want or draw a heart around what you do, to make it like that it's a you I'm a unicorn or a team llama and it has all the branding and publicity you could want and all the legal stuff down here is perfect you can hang it above your bed or so you can hang it or maybe up to the ceiling like this so you can watch while you sleep and have good dreams ok we will save the servants last we will say we have to hold on we can't get over ourselves go out alone here is the advice guys alright move it all that stuff take it alright this board put it away look this you know what the beauty is so many times try the games to be complex or strategic or interesting and when they do they get really big and you don't want big, you want a compact and shabby version as they want all these days and it's perfect cuz it fits everywhere you p like you're in your car seat when you play like it's perfect so here's how you see collect 200 and see it's not even money it's not even money what is it I don't know not even that they are fake money is enough

it's monopoly money collect 200 monopoly money as you pass and then you get the fluffiest and you get a question mark and then the cutest kids the cutest kids then zoom in the sparkling eyes another question mark but look I'm still imprisoned, there is a llama prison in the unicorn prison. Don't go to jail, people don't, but sometimes they're still free. This is a park and you also know the great thing is there are only two I don't need these I don't need rules and stuff I just want to play you know you can come in and have fun so you come here and you like yours question marks and you like your stuff and you move and just take stuff and have fun so thats the point alright alright go ahead love the color then you know how awesome you noticed it looks it opens up a little It just kinda pops like n not a lot just don't do it until you wear nothing here it won't fall off it will be great look at this just the art oh my god alright i was talking so much i was so excited we didn't get to the tokens guys so I put them in They gave it all to this version in this version and they modernized everything t they did it all instead of like hotels and how to have little miniatures for everything they said let's get rid of all this and just punch the boxes and you know they are c I am glad everyone wanted it. I remember I wanted to get a different version of Monopoly. I don't want all those miniatures, I want that cardboard token to look on this double sided it has a premium look, you have that like a nice off center candy which is so big that is so cool look this is perfect and then and then you have the rainbows now I don't know which one it is yet, but you know I'll read it once I read the rule book, so when it gets reviewed, you know I'll know what the difference is here. I love the contrast here as someone is color blind, it's really very cool

So I can see all the colors of the rainbow here even though they don't like it to really follow the correct order that's okay I don't care to look at them all and they are just great they just pop out I mean it's great 'All you know , the great thing is they reuse the same ikea instruction sheet because it's super cool of them look at the whole color look at the one in color so you understand what the difference is in unicorn monopoly llamas reelect your team claim titles score yours territory if I don't want my children to mark their territory I don't know who they are mark your territory um make it with change chance cards you see I'm just so excited and you zoom in too zoom in this is the thing look at it all and you know what you know what i'm glad it has no indexes you know what it means it's not that complex, i can really understand it, it's a rule book, i can really understand it, i might be able to already play this game the first time for everything. I don't even need an index. I'll just know OK. I know you're looking it's like oh, but you know it's not, it's not miniature or it's not, it's not that, you know what it is, cause who cares this is where it is look at this, let's zoom in, let's do it Okay, okay, okay, now we gotta calm down let's start with the dice let's start with the dice

Now look at this, some things I noticed right away are not rounded so they don't roll that well and I like it I'm really glad they are how they come you know they are like almost sharp spikes, you know 'It's just kind of a roll, but whatever they want, I like how the pink is so clear it's barely noticeable even from the cream you get, so it's not like you know, uh, not that noticeable from a distance, it's really good, um, but other than that, I mean, it's that , look at that, two six one two three four five six you can even count on me counting with your kids it's a great look at those snake eyes see it's like a snake that's alright those are good let's give them a test cast let's give them a test cast see the one above, a four and a three. I do not know what that means. Moving on I am so happy that they have little unicorns next to the giant llamas. I was worried you knew so many games Do it where the scale went, you know it like him, you become like the car next to the human, the car is super small or super big and the human is super small or super big and this would be if they messed something up i wanted unicorns the wrong size so i'm really glad they made them super small it's so useful that's okay we have unicorns we have heavy llamas it means they are good thats how it works so come on start with the type of llama that looks like mustard here, let's zoom in a little more, let's take a look at that, alright, ok, now you see that here is the mouth carved on the right just a hint of sorts there is a little line of molding but with the amount of paint and varnish they sprayed on this piece of metal is barely noticeable and it is really beautiful and this style blends with all another type of melt and level of detail here but look at this sculpture also eyes stare straight into the your soul is awesome they even have a little touch of nose they have like an eyebrow they have like their ears oh they see a little like horns and they look at that look that texture all washed perfectly I love it to see what's beautiful and that's it what do I have to do

Include this in my painting when you go over a single color like this and it infiltrates the ridges or indentations so that the indentations are colored and then the protruding pieces of metal are just dyed yellow which gives that kind of nice shade i like that it's just a natural metallic sheen and it's nice and bright so you won't know you can't lose it when the lights are on and reflecting in your eyes and then they don't care if down here, and i like it, i think, i think it's a waste to put the details where you're not really looking and no one is looking under those things so it's really very cool, it's great and then you have this, it's exactly the same as the other one except this actually looks almost a little bit, see the mold line here is almost completely gone as is of and texture, and it's super useful because I don't have to worry about getting rid of the mold line or anything. I'm really glad that's it, unfortunately they left some texture here so I can see the mold light here can but I'm sure next time they can do better and it also looks multi piece because it looks like the head here is like the quality of the empire awakened here with the amount of pieces they made and all those things that look really cool you can almost say it has some very nice clogs on the outside and then that big little tail that is a man friend i know i knew they would be good i didn't know they would be so good and you know what's great they are so skinny they stand very well and they are really hard to knock over like you have to intentionally try to catch them so they drop them and that's the best you like part of the whole thing, the fact that they have a disproportionately large head, I like that it is so big that they would be very heavy and fall face down to the ground. I think this is useful. The horn is probably really there. I bet it's like an evolution again. Kind of like a cast line More color I couldn't see the cast line there, you have eyes here

and then a kind of chasm on the face as if their skull had been pierced a bit here, you see it diving right around the eye, they have two small holes for the nose and then no mouth because as we know all unicorns eat no and so i don't need a mouth so i'm glad you decided not to. often people draw them badly draw unicorns wrong and give them mouths i mean see how here like here there shouldn't be a mouth they shouldn't be like this right here this is how it should be and you have the ears you like love the short horn that does not go too much A very important point, you do not want anything dangerous here, then you have the main material, it is actually a high quality main material, uh, here, it is like six is ​​seven here Hair that is beautiful and then of course you have the stylized tail Now you have to put the stamp on the back then take the colors off and add the little symbol on her cheek and I think at that point the unicorn becomes complete and you have different colors here so you have the purple and then you have something like baby puke green here and then this one here is pretty cute because it turned out like a little bit here, got n these that are different no they all have naturally they obviously do too you have these and these have much sturdier feet this way they are not super heavy which is good why you don't I want them to fall face down first and their face is still turned and then you have this like a celestial that looks like a blue and again you know there is no consistency

There is no texture here, but ideally if they smudge a little more on the paint I wouldn't be able to see that mold line, but other than that I think it's really really good so I'll make one the last type of turntables here anyway, where you can see these miniatures in very good quality, I won't even compare them to such nonsense, nobody, nobody cares about this stuff, here it is, here we have to look, uh, look forward to the review soon and if you like that you see, if you want to see more stuff like this, be sure to subscribe me. Umm, I'm definitely going to do a lot more when I can color these llamas when I can see all my llamas lined up as they say and really understand that you guys are going to be happy so we take you to meet the latest turntable again


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