Wolfenstein Unboxing -

 how's it going Rockstars Welcome to my unboxing of Wolfenstein, the board game. This is from Rcon Studios and this was one of my favorite prototypes. I can't wait to dive into the final product and see how great it was.I am a company that believes that hard work and a great product are a good way to do business. Glad to have them as part of the channel, they have some of the coolest graphic tees out there and the absolute best fit and feel they have. My expectations have been consistently exceeded as new shirts keep coming and other products like boxer caps and even a monthly shirt club has arrived. I recommend them with all my heart. Check out the link in my description of this video for an exclusive 10% discount on everything they sell now as always.Before we get into it, a big thank you to my supporters and YouTube members. Your financial support makes this channel possible if you appreciate videos like this AND you can even give a dollar a month. Below is a link. Thank you very much. Understood. We have Wolfenstein the board game. This is actually the retail version. So if you go and buy this game right away in the store, or buy it online or whatever, that's actually what you're going to get, so it's nice to see it, although I think the lens and expansions are nice good I did a review too for this game i really liked umm i can of course refer to it in the description below but umm suffice to say that the prototype i got looked pretty sturdy and the number of missions it had and its miniatures and overall layout balance things like that , my wife loves the game and we actually go camping like campsites or as a cabin just the two of us with no kids it is

Very nice, I have suggested it to all the newlyweds, it is still wonderful, so we are doing it and we like to bring colors and things, but also some board games and Wolfenstein is to this day the only prototype my wife has brought, so it's pretty cool and we only play two or three games at the most, she really liked it that much. Ok, uh, the box looks nice and thick, so it's nice to go to the back here, a little crumbled up there, but again it's been moved differently than usual, uh, boxing is nice and cozy, we've arrived Here some renderings we have a lot of different languages ​​here this is the only one i can read and then um some snippets of the game so it was a bit cool let's go ahead and dive in then ok ok i love box art by the way i think that that's great i love the white text on the yellow orange type uh something colorful ok ok interesting interesting so we have this some tokens let's take a look at the tokens from the game boards to see what's going on here. It looks like we have some linen trim. Yes, linen finish. Okay I'll end up in the map tiles which is kinda cool not always something you hate if it does come on come on is what we wanted so go ahead and oh ok so I think I did this kind of upside down it should be so the reason is that there is a part that is curved and then a flat part that you want to bend in part ok, drill well i like it ok we have trackers here let's get one and we will try when we have the parts for but it sure hits well so its good, it looks like I could just go like this, that the zero is printed, it's cute, it's not always the case with these games, so it's nice to see it, okay, and we have some of the characters here and there, they pop up, there are a few tags from um but overall quite good a little flexible in my opinion

Questa potrebbe essere la versione E-Star se dovessi azzardare un'ipotesi solo perché penso che abbiano fatto davvero un buon lavoro con la loro. La versione E-Star è un po' spugnosa, um, un po' più vulnerabile Veramente molto buona, così è Hero Cardio sul retro, la finitura in tela è bella anche se penso di averlo preferito lì quindi lo faccio davvero, sì, comunque il il testo qui potrebbe essere un po' piccolo, ehm, lo so che a volte sembra che stiano diventando un po' affollati, ma sarebbe bello ingrandirlo un po' senza aggiungere un prodotto o altro per ingrandirlo ovviamente ok quindi questi stanno per cadere, cazzo, non cadono nessuno Come se non dovessi preoccuparmi ok abbiamo di nuovo un sacco di marchi di piastrelle con finitura in lino e tutti quelli che sono carini alcuni bei colori vivaci e un insieme molti colori vivaci che penso siano molto belli davanti e dietro su tutti questi hanno il sistema a griglia lì sembra che si allineino abbastanza bene, quindi è tutto buono per il divano

Ok i have more tiles there i think that's all yes it's all for tiles ok so the next mission book oh no oh sad damn it's all relieved oh no alright here it's all very cool uh this looks almost exactly like my prototype version of new i think all the missions were pretty much finished so i have to compare that here is regulation again maybe the same there we will see until now it looks more or less the same ok so great titles again here subtitles are very flashy a lot of different uh uh call boxes and stuff uh some pics for uh a little sign up or you know to make it look nice fill it ok reviewing it all here digging more icons hopefully there are some icons elsewhere risk tracker one of the renderers sound the alarm and a little how to do it ok a very detailed step by step guide the Nazi phase The most unpleasant phase of all Not all I think the Nazis would not be okay Here is an index here in alphabetical order Separation d in the letters and several pages its very nice to see uh they have a list of index actions on the back here you have all the ap costs and the side where to go and when to do it very nice a little note on noise very interesting er actually i would have preferred it printed anyway on the back I'm not that fussy about my back matching the front I'd rather keep it handy so you can sit on the table like this instead of having to open it when I had to select OK, so let's dive in. First let's take some of these nuts which are very reminiscent of Arkhans um that you could have used well let's zoom in that it's too far ok that's fine so we would still think we could use one

A little bit of scrubbing for the middle part, the sides look great as if they are really cool, but the middle part looks like you can still see some of the plastic behind, and there is some texture on that too, and it is everyone see here it filled it in there didn't fill it all there as you can see the middle part didn't which is a shame. I mean, I think it still looks good and it almost intentionally feels like there is an outline there, um, but I think it should be all black black, in this case its not really so see here there are empty empty white empty a lot of blanks i usually dont like on my rolls i feel like i always have something against liking even though i dont know exactly how you could roll and nothing is right they do they could all be blanks and it seems so bad ok these are cards in here is a little card box that I don't think would go with the sleeves which I think would just be a space saver, one of the nice things I think about screws. Umm, I know a lot of people don't like it when you build them and I can understand that and then the Kickstarter version has memory but this one doesn't, which sadly I would have liked to have some memory available but it sticks to shipping because it obviously takes up less space now if you have the storage and it doesn't, but that's the idea, i think ok luna has all that ready, it looks almost like paper to me and i know it sounds a little silly obviously i mean how i feel like i could fold it in the worst way so it's also an unfortunate commander uniform ok i see a lot of these are something like the same dog food can help the dogs there a hatchet a big knife serum vinyl record seller very nice let's just say ok i thought it was like the beatles or something ok put it in there

look at these look at these and then I think the rest are just mini which is super exciting to get all the right cards gee let's start here and try to see how many enemies we continued here we could fight again depending on how many people are playing this it's the key ok so after that adolf hitler boss is the last boss ok great art by the way i really do that still feel a little tight and i'm almost a bit skinny uh these events are really cool because you know how things will generate and when it is not real you know an unknown variable but these events and sometimes somehow change what you do. I plan here a whole range of weapons with different abilities that you can use. I love the skill system, especially with guns, and getting that ammo. The ammo is really cool. I think it's a very very good idea in my opinion I think all cards see what's in this main box here it's really just one box in the box i love red i like red white ok there is a silica pack in there go and go that if you ask me it is the right thing to do well anything on the bottom, not just a big red box with a wolf in the board game and there are a lot of minions here, as you can see, alright. let me try to shrink a little bit all this is fine so we get all the doors this is super cool that comes with the doors there wasn't a separate addition or anything so you have the hinges here, you have the door frame here, the wood here and the gate here, so you have metal and wood, I guess, besides, there's no real difference, uh, those are little pieces of locating, ok, that's all doors, three trays of doors here ok oh this must be the tray ok wow this is pretty thick i guess these go here to keep track of how much health they have how much armor they have so you have little buckets here. I wonder if it works well with your three different types of ammo and let's see if you have yours

different cards here different tokens here your player mat here i dont know what happens in this i dont remember if you could upgrade your uh weapon or equipment or something maybe this is very sturdy very thick very nice in my opinion this is great here are some umm blue characters these are some of the good guys heroes I remember showing. It's really nice clean clean lines I really appreciate it very well I love the holes in the base I like the fact that it looks great ok we have something for the drones we have a lot of enemies, like many enemies or some of the drones, there you can see they all have the numbers, it's quite interesting to number them like that, so many in particular that number, which is quite interesting, there is an officer, there an officer, there, officer, there, many officers try to see if I can find another Adolf officer up there but i dont see him at all interesting here i wonder if he is bald i think he is fine the guy is bald i thought no ahem he has no hair nearly as good as he looked so here are some of the robots and i think some of them are the part of mecha hitler here yes look here there's his face there, that's Mecca Hitler there, what only l ridicule is that it's his base but there is also a big ole base here ok not in no way two of these would be too many there i the robot dog there is his face ah he looks amazing I love him and I love him that he is going perpendicular to it I love him that his feet are there it is very interesting to see that I am digging works well here more numbers more enemies more weapons already just look so many guns here dear god how many guns do you need i guess two answers guys thats all thats all and welcome to roundup ok so it was really super unique and i really like what arkhan is

They show everyone with all their trendy things. Septosworn on the way. Sign up to find out more. Guaranteed you will love it. It's going to be a great unboxing sure to have a few things to note, so I went ahead and built a few, then built a few from the prototype they built exactly the same, they look great, you can see um, they actually build very, very clean . Many of them are much more dynamic than that. Some things that I think stand out as a style thing is that first of all you can actually separate them from the base, you don't have to glue them, but they fit really well and that helps immensely when you paint the base, I really really also like the fact that they are labeled, so when you cut them they have like a and a b and a c and you just have to cut them out, you know which pieces go with which and none of them are like a whole bunch of pieces, if you have built a key monster you have built minis much much worse than these when it comes to the building process real, these build very well, ahem, there are some that are not that nice, they are not easy enough to assemble at the games workshop level, but they are very close to how extreme I would put them in the same bucket if we were just making buckets, that's really cool too. One of the downsides is the fact that they use bright colors as those bright colors never look so good on miniatures especially with the hips because the hips are slightly shiny plastic anyway and you get a lot of brighter shimmer means you don't get a lot of detail and you get depth, if you want these to stand out go ahead and slap them with a primer, even if you are not going to paint them with just a primer and then a lacquer primer so they don't rub with your oil fingers and they look so much better . It reminds me a little of metallic minis or metal minis. Speaking of which, the storage solution was pretty cool, ahem, I know a lot of people hate this style of box stuff, but honestly, you've seen mine.

Shelves have you seen that shit, um, I'm all for having the smaller stuff so I understand that's okay, basically what I'd like to see is something like, um, just longer papers to separate them buckets in here I don't even mind stack them up but yeah i like these little separators you know usually have a name outside of them which would be nice and if they could stand instead of lying down it would also be nice but i mean overall it all fits here now the exclusive kickstarter version it's coming with storage and it's not a big shame, it really is This is what I would say and is something I have been putting off A dedicated storage area is good. I don't think it increases installation and disassembly times. I think it stretches both and I haven't noticed any noticeable difference when it comes to that

in there, I mean, I think it's actually going to be fine, and if it helps reduce shipping from a ridiculous amount to a slightly more acceptable amount, it's not the worst thing you can do, it's really not and I'm actually kinda glad I don't have a storage thing because then it forces me to, instead if I have a vacuum shell I will use it and all that means it is longer installation and removal time so I do 'I know, let me know what do you think. I'd love to hear it. It is something new that I am trying to delve into as more and more companies are making this kind of stuff in the box so we would still love to know what you think, but yes no these are all great things which is great the gameplay makes it really fun a wonderful ammo system i like the fact that you know all spawns makes it very lean because you don't have to randomly draw a lot of things except event cards and sometimes these can handle some things but that's it, otherwise you just roll that makes it very funny the dice are unforgiving from what I am hearing right now and they were in the prototype so the same but overall a very nice quality product fun gameplay really cool components and overall super excited Have this in my collection if you have your final thoughts if you have had this or if you have any questions let me know in the comments below and then you have a great rest of the day. Until we meet again


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