- iPhone 14 Pro. So it might be a little bit into baseball, but usually when you're testing a new product, an unreleased product from Apple,
They tell you to keep the tests secret. Don't let anyone know you have it. Don't show it publicly. Don't show it to anyone. This would violate the NDA. And that still goes for this new iPhone 14 Pro, but I'll tell you one thing, I could walk around, take pictures, text people, pay for things with Apple Pay and nobody even blinked because it looks exactly the same as that iPhone. 13 Pro. Of course, this is still a new phone for a new year. And so there are really three key things that are new with the 14 Pro. These are the interiors, the display and the cameras. And so I'm going to capitulate these things to go through them all, but of course it's also worth noting this chevron hoodie in the new MKBHD edition, which is finally available on the MKBHD store, MKBHD.com. It is very comfortable but also hooded season. (lively music) ♪ Yeah, back and forth to the meeting ♪ - So there aren't many new bits in this new phone, but technically there's more to this than the basic iPhone 14, because that actually
I'm sure other YouTubers will find a way to test it. But actually, my question was really like, ok, if you want to test this, what kind of things are you testing? And I think the answer are accidental triggers. You know how, if you've run up a flight of stairs or something and have automatic workout recognition on the Apple Watch, it'll tell you, oh, have you started a workout? Because you have a high heart rate and you just started running and,
Somewhere with absolutely no cell service, you're nowhere near a cell tower, which the iPhone's antennas can now also impressively communicate with
Real satellites instead of cell towers. So it takes longer, and you need a clear view of the sky, and the interface literally helps you point your phone at a specific satellite overhead, but it can send messages to a dispatch center or local emergency services to help determine your location to get to and where you need help. That's pretty clutch too. I won't test that either. But that's it for internals. Notice I didn't speak
it looks like this.Then press the power button, turn on the phone, put it on its side. The brightness decreases. The LTPO OLED display works
up to one hertz and you will see the clock and notifications appear as if the lock screen is still active, only at a lower brightness.
However, this is bright enough that it is always on display. You can see it, right? I like ... You get used to it after a few days, but I was always on the alert
to my phone on my desk and thought it was still on which is like lower brightness. But yeah, that's how it looks all the time. Switching from the home screen to the always-on display is really enjoyable. It has this regular fade animation and I think it's Apple's way. Like the clock, if it is behind something, it will always appear on the front of the display. And it keeps all the colors and skin tones of the background used.
So it's not faded or black and white, you still have all your color. When music is playing, your album cover takes center stage. It is particularly beautiful. But to be honest I don't care about any of that and there aren't any further adjustments either. As I have seen some really creative ones
always on display over the years that have allowed me to customize and compose even in addition to the lock screen and I have a lot of fun using them. Apple's is just a switch in the display settings to turn it on or off. That's all. Personally, I'll turn it off on this phone because it apparently is
affect battery life a little more than I expected. Well, the always-on display isn't specifically shown in the battery settings, so I'm just guessing based on my behavior. Everything else seems normal, but the battery life is a little worse than I expected and what I had
13 Pros in the past year. And so I suppose that's it, a little more brightness that has come a long way. He still knows when
turn it off, don't get me wrong. If it's in your pocket, it turns off. If you are in sleep mode, it will turn off. Even if you have an Apple Watch turned on and you move far enough away from your phone to let it know you can't see it, the always-on display turns off.
Aber es liegt einfach den ganzen Tag hier auf meinem Schreibtisch und zeigt mir Sachen und ich benutze es nicht wirklich oft, also ja, ich werde bestehen. Aber wisst ihr, was ich an Neuheiten auf dem Bildschirm absolut liebe und niemals weitergeben werde? Die dynamische Insel, Baby. Was für ein schrecklicher Name. Sie hatten das Bedürfnis, die Kerbe zu benennen.
Es ist so ein kleines Feature im großen Schema der Verwendung eines Telefons, aber es ist ein gutes. Es ist wirklich gut. Also, hier ist, was passiert. Erinnerst du dich an die Gerüchte, dass das neue Pro iPhone die Kerbe durch einen I-förmigen Ausschnitt oben im Display ersetzt hat, mit all den Renderings, die die Leute gemacht haben? Nun, das ist es eigentlich. Es hat rechts einen kreisförmigen Ausschnitt für eine neue Selfie-Kamera und links einen pillenförmigen Ausschnitt für die neue Gesichtserkennungshardware
die sie um etwa 30 % verkleinert haben, um diesen kleineren Bereich auszufüllen. Und anstatt das einfach zu tun, hat sich Apple clever dafür entschieden
Füllen Sie die Lücke zwischen ihnen mit schwarzen Pixeln und machen Sie eine große Pille daraus. Also dann ist die Idee, dass Apple viel lieber über die Pille nachdenken würde als wir
Software als Hardware. Also bauten sie eine ganze Reihe von Softwarefunktionen darum herum. Es hat also nur einen Ruhezustand wie diesen, der in Screenshots oder Bildschirmaufzeichnungen nicht auftaucht, es ist nur eine Lücke. Aber es gibt ungefähr 3 verschiedene Dinge, die es tut, um laufende Aktivitäten und Hintergrundaktivitäten anzuzeigen, und Dinge, die alle wunderschön animiert und super glatt sind, diese flüssige Physik. Es ist so freundlich und zugänglich und all diese Dinge, dass es in Screenshots und Bildschirmaufzeichnungen auftaucht. Das Beste daran ist, dass so ziemlich alles direkt aus der Box funktioniert, wie Sie es erwarten würden.
Ich hatte also diesen Moment während des Videos mit den ersten Eindrücken, in dem ich dachte, oh, ich kann es kaum erwarten, dass Apple Music es verwendet, aber dann Spotify
wie anderthalb Jahre, um ihre App tatsächlich zu aktualisieren, damit sie damit funktioniert. Aber nein, alles funktioniert sofort, einschließlich Spotify, da das bereits die Now Playing API verwendet. Sie hatten bereits ein Sperrbildschirm-Widget, dasselbe bei SoundCloud, dasselbe bei YouTube Music und Pocket Casts. Sie haben also Albumcover und die farblich passende Wellenform dort oben, während die Medien abgespielt werden. Wenn Sie darauf tippen, wird die gerade spielende App geöffnet, und wenn Sie lange darauf drücken,
Sie erhalten tatsächlich ein Widget, das mit einigen Mediensteuerelementen auftaucht, ich kann schrubben und alles, so ziemlich genau das gleiche Widget, das erschein
in the lock screen. So this feels kind of backwards. I think a tap should open the widget and then a long press should open the app and that would do easy
more sense, but whatever. The point is, it just works right out of the box. In fact, here's everything that gets the Dynamic Island up and running on day one. This shows system notifications like for incoming calls, connecting AirPods, connecting to a charger, and switching the ringtone
Silent mode or volume up, unlock Face ID, connect AirPods and more. There is a complete list. And then it's also a Live Activity UI
happening in the background. So an ongoing call or music in the background, any media. Timer counts down. Maps Directions as you
navigate in the background. Voice memo recording, screen recording, all that stuff. So here is a full list of them too. And then any third party app
that uses the Now Playing or Call Kit APIs, of which there are many. It also has a little
Place the indicator for microphone and camera access directly between the pill and the cutout. It really gets to the next level when you have multiple
Background activity happens instantly because it then reluctantly becomes a multitasking app switcher
at the top of your phone. So one background activity looks like this, but when I have a second one and start a new background activity, the island splits in two so you can now select between them and then quickly switch between them with a single touch. this is so sick I think as cheesy as the name is, I'm almost done saying the words Dynamic Island out loud, but I think this will be one of the most copied features in the smartphone world in about 18 months. I pretty much guarantee it. As we have even seen some MIUI mods on twitter where people have tried this on other phones. But the thing is, it is
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