Stormsunder Minis OCD Unboxing!

 Alright folks here I have a box full of goodies lets go ahead and open it and see exactly what that is a few different companies and stuff every now and then but I think I know what those are and when yes, I'm interested in showing you guys exactly what they're supposed to be Need some huggies, three in one comfort, uh, you know, again, that's why I always love unwrapping stuff like this. You just don't know you're getting a normal unpack, and usually by that point you know exactly what you're going to do, um, what's that, who cut that, um, but when it comes to those, um, what kind of previews and prototyping and stuff you just get the coolest unboxing experience ever what the fuck is it all ok let's get this all fixed i don't think i'm missing anything i don't think it's all ok i think that's probably good yeah alright move that aside pan that and zoom in. Okay now that we've zoomed in let's move on and this is a nice container for it, at least I think this will work as well as you can I can say these will probably be miniatures, um, and actually you know that it's kind of funny so you guys know more than me when i get into that just because i don't like it that i usually name my videos exactly how i do and if you watch all this you know what's coming up while at first i just had kind of a guess alright let's see let's go and then nothing this is the side let's do the one that's almost open already huh now would you look at that Wow look at that is a good detail ok let's see if I can zoom in a little more ok so here now zoomed in a little more this is definitely not final production quality because this is a 3D print you can still do some of the Support-uh-po sts see here

that I gotta cut and you can, uh, you can hear more here too, you see a lot where they've been too, and they've been cut and cut and stuff, uh, under the cannon, wherever there's a backlog, it'll have to and then again here, so these 3D printed are ahem, which also shows you the details you can get with the rather impressive 3D printed miniatures at this point, although there is a post- some sort of cleanup You have to do that what I'm going to do here is mostly take care of the sculpture design and then also, ahem, in general, the um, the thickness of the details, just to comment on how good it feels in a plastic in case you don't go with Archon when they go to new with Archon, uh, they make a kind of resin unicast that can capture pretty much every detail, but other than that you might like a range of ABS PVC plastic - well in case l for not having it Note these are miniatures of storm cleavers by Lazy Squire Games d I must say that s they are very beautiful, so what I like here is first of all the sculpted base. I really appreciate the sculpted base. I like that they're not even exactly ahem circular, you can tell the base is a little bit but then it will protrude and it won't be like a perfect circle, ahem, you know it's straighter here and there then a little protrusion here and the like, which that I always like it a lot when I say this doesn't get a huge amount of Likes If it had been shot that way and stayed on the rock it would have been a bit more dynamic pose for example, but what I like here if its neck is arched, she really likes looking down from the side she sees right here, she is actually looking down. I appreciate seeing that his hat has a very nice shape. I really like the shape of the hat, like it was very wide here and then it was more round and pointed at the front and then of course she also has her boots which are really nice and

so you only know a few additions, like B. instead of just wearing the pants here she has bandages like umm bandages which is quite cute here another post here will have an embroidery effect on her like a coat again which is very fanlike which almost looks a fairy i like a little bit her hair was very cute i love that they placed their quiver arrows on the side where they would normally be instead of on the back where they wouldn't because it takes a lot more reach to get it or something like that instead of just throwing it from here or I think their darts would be what they would be with a crossbow umm interesting, oh it looks like it's actually broken, so see here, broken, I wonder if I can find the other piece somewhere because you see that even a little bit has been discarded. I'll look for it, um, it's actually kind of shit, but it's mostly happening with these fragile resin bits here, um, another one of these should come out like this, let's see how it breaks right there, what regarding the details, it's a royal flush, so his hands are pretty tiny, very small, and that quality of detail on the 3D print, I can see his fingers well, but um, again, just something to be aware of, it's really the thickness of so there is an embroidery, I don't know if you can feel it or not, right here on this belt, very, very thin, so this is nice and thick, you can see it well, this inlay embroidery here on the belt even though it is very thin so that for now it wouldn't wash very well, it could hardly do a wash but you thicken it a bit and get a bit stuck there, a lot of posts here need to be tidied up on will it I love the shoulder pad only on one side here, it's pretty interesting, um, it works, because it's c urva, um, yeah, and in general I like this one, I think it's pretty cool, I love the sword and like it's not really attached here, it's a little high it's nice to have a little bit like maybe explosive

Bolts or something very interesting, alright, let's take a look at the others, we see that I don't even know what they are, so guess which ones I'm going to go with ok I hope you guessed I could I won't, uh, maybe it was obvious why I I was holding on when I asked to try letting go as soon as I noticed, alright, um, let's do it, let's go there, let's go there let's go oh that's cool look at those knives guys so this is to scale and what I can definitely say is that it is a little bigger pretty much everywhere if you look at the thickness of the leg looks quite different, his face is a little bit wider and his hands, even though he has claws, are also quite wider, compared to this little hand here, uh, there's a big difference here, so definitely not human, uh, which is great, I think that's really quite I especially like about an angel considering it's on top of this tower and looks and is obviously bigger than that now it's not com and a huge tower or whatever, but again the base is very good. I love the texture around the edge. Most of the time the edge is flat and the base will only be on the top.I like that it's all textured on the side, there's the armor and inlay and everything that really came out really well. These feathers are highly stylized, so often the feathers have a lot of crests, or sometimes they only have one or two or three, here's the one, two or three, so it's flat, that's right, it's like a flat shape, and then this little inserts, um, alright, it's just a certain way of stylizing the feathers, um, like both fields, but for example the whole plot is a little bit more, um, I don't mean comics because I don't mean which is just a different style of making feathers, um, and it can usually look like it will look a little cleaner, um, especially with similar highlights and stuff, why use them all

you do this with the highlights you just do uh you just do little movements like that you get the texture in there the inlay texture here looks good here here looks especially good painting in here is going to be a pain uh tassels look good from uh whatever this thing is looks cool it looks good uh painting here will be quite funny again i see it jokingly the embroidery work here on the uh i don’t know about a bodice or whatever that is uh very fine and then also here On their chest plates umm just like this line here is very thin it doesn't even really capture that so I'd like to see it thicken up a bit just so it does the transfer well you know the same thing with the embroidery here even in this 3d print and who knows maybe if they abs enough to actually get finer detail than that when i look at this when i think about the transfer pose it's amazing me love that she's not quite centered again. The right middle would probably be here and it's a bit off. I love that her arms are a little bit outward but not symmetrical I love how her wings are not symmetrical either, this one is further back too so her shoulder, her whole shoulder, is pushed back a bit, as she turns around like she's either just landed or is about to push off from there so I love the pose there the gargoyles and stuff there is really really cool I love the way the destruction is all nice and thick Ridges here that are easy to paint. This is a great looking miniature that's really, really good as long as that detail stays and actually improves a bit like here and here um this is going to be kind of a top tier, doesn't look good I like this one in Alright let's move on and there you don't have enough space alright so now move on Some more um let's do this we'll go in order from left to right as I happen to find them in the best removed the order

Moving on now to their wild ascension miniatures which I also unpacked and showed Arkhan and if you didn't know Arkon makes awesome miniatures they definitely have some cleaning issues but umm apart from that they are good so here's a little piece that fell here I have to find where it is and fix it without problems. Um, I don't know if they will do Arkhan again, everything you know, it made sense for a while to send it, I don't know how much it will make, especially with these bigger miniatures and stuff like that, they would know more, I'm sure they will go with a good one company, although obviously it's a company that cares about the quality of the miniatures, hence the first thumbnail preview for people like me to paint and show them and they can talk about, um, if they weren't so focused on miniatures they wouldn't , as long as i believe it will be alright i dont know if it will be Archon again and frankly i am 'The only ones up there in the highest level you can really get like hate miniatures and stuff can be awesome uh limbo eternal war really seem a lot beautiful from star games so many manufacturers can make really good plas do tikminiaturen but this guy is great these thick crests and things here will paint great deep eyes will be good teeth are just good enough if it were less i would be angry but is that in reality it will still paint this little detail well here ahem here is some embroidery that is not showing once I have applied the paint, it will hardly look uniform will be seen uh i think this is a chaina lace chain in this case it is nice and chunky it will be awesome popping on top it will be great to paint and see here the chain going back and forth the thickness i always try to look at the chains so you can see the ad part fit of it may that looks great er her face is fine all those ribs are fine her eyes are fine those like things are fine whatever is going on with her skin looks fine the embroidery here is good and on the head is good is good or good i don't know i don't know what english i speak. I don't see very bad here. I like this

The structure of that base therefore is mostly clear here and then there are some things in the background that in a way contrast it, now it's not very high, it would have been almost nice to climb higher and really somehow surpass it, but other then it's fine, it's alright, there are huge thick ridges here, it's almost perfect, uh, not a few things I'm almost worried about, but otherwise it's fine, sometimes and you will notice it with hair like for example possessing hatred and the rising sun with skulls in your hair when you walk in as lines that cross and then some straighten out somewhere around some people. Some manufacturers are really struggling with the mold here, er and stuff, when they get it I call it busy when it's busy in certain areas. Sometimes it can be. It looks nice. I'm not worried as hair combs are as thin as I wish they were. As long as they keep it it should be good uh skull klo ks good and put there it might be a little confusing here a little hard to say yes he's a nice guy I really like and another what is, which is? Um, if you haven't painted larger miniatures, if you haven't painted 75mm or even 40mm or something like that, you will be happy, they paint much better, you have so much more area and control and you can watch what you do you don't have to worry about increasing the contrast to ridiculous levels to see it is just all very very good and oh i am so happy to have this so glad i did i got one good and here it is my wife loves egyptian things so she will go. I love dogs on both sides. Fantastic. I still like that they aren't. Oh it's empty. I don't know what all this is that I want. I think I just need to wash it. um i like how his paws are once more out and then this is more parallel so they are not quite the same his head is raised a little more his is lowered a little more and this is easy on the side this easy on this side i love how the pillows and the kind of row of skulls especially the group behind them oh look that

I see it, I haven't even seen the back, uh, so the beetle genius, the kind of pharaoh face that's going on here looks awesome again. The very fine details on this embroidery will work here so we'll have to see what I can do with it but the insoles here look great the studs here look nice uh the bandages look nice what the heck the garbage looks flimsy oh what looks good um everything here is good quality the only kind of subtle is this is pretty subtle and it really is, here is a little nub that is thin enough to paint but not thin enough to paint your Brushes to drive the stressful paint this part here too details very fine here I just want to make sure this type of scroll work brings out the inlay even if it means it's not that elegant just thick enough to bring out the wear shows it's ideal you can apply a wash here no matter what color six and it will show like magic it will be awesome i love the pillow behind her i love the way i say it is true a little annoying is pulled back from the back uh bra very casual ccio not like er but very floppy over one leg over leg er a little casual holding a skull er very relaxed in his power and where he is in his life that I would remember too much with these i's as a John wick scenario here in the best way yes just great designs i am very impressed and once again the quality of the prototype and components here is really very good so i will be adding more very soon i have info on this mid month video so i should post the video on February 14th and I'm going to talk more about Storms Storms in the actual game say you are dealing with things like Knights of the Old Republic and then you are confronting so seriously it will become something. It looks different than many others, it looks like a very different style, a very unique style, uh something that definitely piques my interest, not only for the theme but also for the gameplay, so we'll talk about that later if you want to see more if you want to see a coloring video probably this um but maybe that sounds good too. Let me know in the comments below if you'd like to see it and be sure to subscribe more than

Always thanks to my wonderful customers, thanks to the lazy squire games for sending them for you to see up close and personally. It's not something you can do as a kickstarter every time after and it's after i don't know why i finish the video like this sometimes i might just say it but i knew i would come and get it anyway and what can i say these minis look really great even up close now you will notice a lot of white dots and stuff like that as mentioned these were 3d printed and so there were a lot of similar little posts to keep them standing especially when you have an additive printer like that they need to have some sort of support structure if there is a ledge or something until it solidifies and shit and that is resin and that she had it here so there are some points I think especially about the one um nefertat that the lady has on the throne with the two watchdogs where you will see It ain't a little shiny there just needs a little more love uv umm but the miniatures here i mean s is really very well designed especially since i have cleaned two now, uh, so I really looked at it, if you know miniatures and paint miniatures, you realize that as soon as you start working with the miniature knowing that there are all kinds of little things and I have to say again that I really like the different styles here, it is very beautiful, egyptian and then angels in the same line and with the same style to see where they work well together. I think this is just a very very cool theme and a very cool IP and you know how I said how the chains and many, many details here are great and I think a lot of that will go into the final flow of the plastic manufacturing style, uh miniatures , in this case we really expect a big surprise when it comes to these I'm serious, they're so cool

Miniatures so I'm looking forward to it, uh, again let me know if you'd like to see one painted and which ones and I'll do what I can. Of course I will have more on storms soon, I will actually start the preview review early so you can expect that when the kickstarter happens and the campaign goes live, you will have seen the minis, you will see them painted, you will see the review you couldn't ask for more one campaign when it comes to simply knowing if this game is for you or not, so you know there is a confrontation with Knights of the Republic and some cool stuff like the one I have I can't wait and we'll just have to wait and see how much it is close to that kind of style game. I know I can't wait to do it again. I am also happy every time I see them shaking from the side. I love. I'm so glad they didn't do it on the back as usual, it's just a lot more accurate, so yeah, I could still talk about miniatures forever, but I'll probably do it in a real painting video instead, so thanks as always for getting out with me and i hope you enjoyed seeing this different style of miniature so every day you see a miniature that fits well i think the only other i saw is claustrophobia 1643 so it was like i thought his name was maestro of so unusual souls that you see miniatures sitting very nice every time because they still end up making them look beautiful even just sitting, so I'm excited about that, alright guys, that's all I had for today, good rest week and I'll tell you guys


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