Aeon Trespass_ Odyssey Prelude Unboxing! Part 1

 Hey guys, today I have an unboxing for a no-trespass odyssey preload, so it's not really something you can buy, but it's kind of a representative of something that's coming up here. Expect more coverage on the channel soon, a more detailed review of it The video on the Kickstarter itself will be in the description below, a link to the preview and some of my videos I've already made about the game. This is not a definitive quality before we get into it. This is not representative of everything I was just trying to do, you know, let me see you guys, I guess how a prettier prototype actually has to think it's going to get worse than this, so let's go ahead and get into that, so here's some publicity. you know what we will all take off and then we will show you what's in this box, you know a lot of papers and believe me it's very nice for a prototype look at some of these i don't even know it's oil, it's in here. It looks like these are player safety cards, so you can just keep track of different things here like moons, afflictions, and conditions so you can have something similar. Buy your permanent kits and abilities for your character and then here it looks like a kind of double spread that shows what the finished product will look like, obviously it will be a lot better than what I just got, but it's actually pretty good too so let's say that we have a lot of maps let me reposition the camera and then we'll take care of it. Okay, now this is a prelude, so there shouldn't be any terrible spoilers, but you know, I mean, the more the spoiler spot on and it's like watching movie trailers or so, for your information, keep that in mind when watching this and you I know I thought it would be nice. It's interesting for you guys to see sometimes how prototypes are there every now and then. This is a very, very nice prototype. I have to compliment them for having some super wavy ones

I don't even like maps. I mean it can go pretty bad in here so again as you can see there will be a lot of cards so here we have the memory cards and then we have some of these other things you can get like the mermaid survivors that have been talking a lot about here on that level 3 wound to know why he's in the middle brother. I'm sure I've learned all of this. Some conditions. Some Kratos cards. A few more conditions A fate worse than death Keep this card Earn the target's priority marker You can't lose it Each hit you take inflicts additional anger if you die until you die and you can't lose the target's priority, so there's a lot of madness going on and gotta play it's cool if you gotta watch this somebody get cool i mean that's what i created somebody i created now we have trauma cards a lot of trauma cards here level 2 trauma cards are getting more bloody and level 3 trauma cards definitely not good at this point nothing good happens but some obul cards, usually they are not even good and so i think those are your argonauts that you can select so otis 0 very interesting background they shared a little bit that you are a source for the guardian penelope and atilla Bacchus or whatever I don't know Omma Metzger all those names yes so back in the demo and here c 'is more you have to make oval cards or live or die 50/50 good luck even if you can also be gutted, that's not good either that's what you want to agree eh as PH I don't know if it's that Penelope no here's how 'it was it's all ancient greek stuff, it looks or places or events, I know, this is Argus here and something crazy is going on here, maybe it's just art, I don't know, yeah, so here it is uh, these are like events to which a little bit or I will go and still do a whole video that I will read through all the rule books and things like that and keep my mind and all but you go a little

Go through those events and sort that start and end and alpha and omega and then others so you can find those places on the map and go on those adventures, cool down the PH, yeah, and then it's kind of your own here again different levels you can do it depending on how high you reach, you will get different bonuses and the offices in the end will be many more but you know you have this kind of people the size of a foot so you have a whole wagon like quiver you know or use parts of ships and like here is a shaft for a spear ok it's all so cool stuff very interesting idea and concept like trebuchet is a crossbow what kind is a job, something crazy, stick it there, alright let's take a look at one of the AI ​​decks, the hecatomb, yes it's a whole set of hands, and wears a hooded chain. You will likely go through these. I won't with all the cars having to go through every little thing just to give you an idea here so you know here as level 1 level 2 level 3 KI cards and then there BP deck what is a separate thing and then these are different traits and then VP and then some gamble cards here so let's take a look at that and look at the gamble cards here and you know you lose different stuff so you have these traits here recklessly you know whey watchers so these i heard they will tell me again what to do here so let's run well so aim at the frozen one you will aim right here farthest Titan in range If that doesn't work, aim at the furthest titan in range and then aim at the closest target titan in sight and then move an attack and each hit deals rage damage and then again don't trample and then also lay down a maze so that it works for the most part again. I might be a little wrong as I only read the rulebook once anyway as I see a lot of cards you will get as a bajillion of cards, this is just the demo here and

There is already so much, let's first this box makes no sense ok now so check it out this is again much nicer than I usually get here it is very cool there the perm is back and it is not final quality at all ok it's just kind of a plain I don't see any finished product not for sale. Sorry folks, maybe arrests are being offered now. I'm kidding. I'm kidding, but not seriously, but I shouldn't. I shouldn't be able to see the prototype, this is closer to what I'm used to in prototypes, except this is not paper and there are no staples. I haven't found any staples yet which is amazing to print and they were probably messed up and that's okay so here are some of the tiles that are good to put down if the maze is right so you can put them down and through them they have to get through and be able to walk on them Put it back here is the system I told you about Despite the anger and fate and danger there are many three here and that's why they all came out of these, and I've done everything right so you can rotate them and you can maximize them you can get in and like nine in each of them, but that's how you track Francie, you just rotate as you need to and rotate well down here it just looks like it works great for every player so there should be four of them. Here is the aerial map of the world map, again definitely not definitive so here we know you know the pieces together and it tells you what you know so the number 27 is here 15 here and 11 here here is 11 so if you wanted when you hear you want to explore this trail will tell you what to expect some greenery here


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