They have a robot dog which is always a plus. You know it's their typical, I think our console is pretty clean, and you know it's not super gritty, right, it's very fantasy, high science fiction, very Archon IDW, their next game will be avatar the airbender or it might be korra but avatar in their adventures is the system they do with all their ip on which they hold the rights so in reality I have never seen avatar the last airbender but I did "I'm sure other people are super enthusiastic , not that big Batman, but that's it, it was okay, so it should be fun, that is, I will show a lot of things here, I don't know how many of these I have. I have shown how much I don't have an eternal war hanging in the balance, this will be their second Kickstarter. You will see some concept art. You can see some early readers. You can see some final renders as you can see there. Dynamic poses over the top you will see lots of gels go well with angels lots of personality lots of awesome poses, fond mentally they do dragons and norse angels this is what you are going to get a lot and yes it looks really great for a lot, I will deal with it pretty fast here but this guy when we see his half is sure to be great, absolutely great, this is going to be a great miniature, a lot of cool stuff that i love all like killing demons yes like a death based on the fact that they do a lot even though they actually keep it which is pretty cool yes a lot of cool stuff. I mean, it will be great, this is my miniature, but if there is ever a miniature designed for me, it is this one. I love wolves, they are awesome and one person riding a huge wolf who is Starling I am all for this I am all for this I will paint this 100% guaranteed It will be me Demon boy holding his dogs His demon dogs are pretty cool, there are a lot of things here that will be great, some you will see in a previous kickstarter that will be here soon, for there 75mm, so it's cool, you know, collectible resin pieces and then the rest will be to be their real game, alright, the next Cinco filled five victims, did you see my detailed video if you didn't link the description below to my details
Panoramic video of some kind of stack of what we're going to do They will deal with caramel and psychology and murder and city building and all kinds of things Miniatures Really unique design to them which is very cool They look really dynamic They look great It is kind of boss fighting game, so you get these really cool boss miniatures. I strongly believe in having fewer but better miniatures, in other words I want more miniatures like this one and fewer miniatures than 16 goblin archers to call out the huge darkness I don't care if you have 150 miniatures if a lot more of these boring archers want this this is what i want this is awesome this just tempts me to paint this would look awesome art looks really cool is ready to be something big alright later we have a heavenly game for size now will it be? it's probably going to be 2021 but it's yet to come and I think it's going to be the beginning of 2021 if that's how it's the end of 2020 or if you spend it if they're ready for that kind of boy in their mouth it's great and I love it they look good , reminds me a bit of Starcraft or an RTS, basically you have these bigger miniatures, these 75mm miniatures, of You can buy and now use resident miniatures and in the game they are as beautiful as your command units and then you have all these as normal troops smaller than you command. I think it's almost like a MOBA, but it's not designed like a MOBA at all, it's more of a skirmish game It looks, but yeah, huge and unique art style, amazing and amazing areas, they are all dynamic and interesting and interesting, and I think Although they will all be great, although later on there will be Twisted Fables, which is actually kind of a little card game for one or two V Two, is a brawler deck maker, as they call it. he takes the kind of fairytale stuff like Red Right and makes his little Red Riding Hood cyber killer so very interesting that he picks up the different fairy tales that look super interesting. I love arts where I am big like small competitive games, I love collecting games of this kind so I will definitely check this out and I like dimensional games I think
They are a nice company, next is Primal The Awakening, this is another bigot that you guys are guys about, it's definitely some kind of very interesting boss fight miniature board game, there's some history and stuff like that that I will be doing a video very soon, a detail video on this. I actually picked it up for individual pillows. I'll make one for Primal Awakening too, so you guys can learn more about mechanics, items, crafting and stuff like that, very reminiscent of Monster Hunter, obviously was a little inspired by that, just a general style with weapons huge and things look damn nice again. I want fewer more beautiful miniatures. I want the quality here, not the quantity, so I hope they get here, I want unique sculptures, I want them all to be this high quality, it's going to be awesome. Also, I showed you the dragon earlier, in case you haven't seen it already. I'll watch it on the screen. Now you can go see the dragon there you are welcome I think you are the first to see it again so it is the biggest one they have on their art. Then these little tidbits, quite interesting this is for the arena this is the one under the tenaris adventure campaign they made a little tear here but they will add that I have the book behind here so I already got it but if you have it Not there 'i still got you can get it soon art and arena world gave it my all and just built this world that i love and it was just a board game. Well, in a couple of months they're going to do an RPG supplement kickstarter here and be a part of it, so it's going to be kind of an RPG thing, why not get so much attention that there's a lot of game covers of role, but I'm really excited to be able to reuse your miniatures, so if you have it you already have so many things you have if you want to try our RPG, which is a bit like a pen and paper RPG if you will have it for this RPG like D Dungeons & Dragons then this could be for you to talk about this Batman Gotham City Chronicles RPG. This is another pen and paper dungeon and
Dragon-style RPG, but again I have a lot of Batman, so I already have all these miniatures for it. I would like to see they both actually still have optional miniatures for the terrain and NPCs and stuff like that I just wish you knew maybe some of them leave some roads or something for Batman or something where I'm there bin ET is like 3D boards to a point that would be great just to liven up the whole thing a little bit otherwise you can always 3D print Archon Studios mini bites here this will be their next and as you can see they have a free launch share which is also pretty cool, so you can actually save and follow it and help unlock stuff like this before it's even available on the kickstarter, it's nice, I like it, but 3D printing is getting bigger and bigger, more and more companies are offering STL via a Kickstarter direct or just selling them directly and I think it's really cool, the near future Legions of Steel, now some of you may remember that it's getting a 2.0 from 90s, it will be here on Kickstarter soon, probably closer to the October line so late fall, early winter, but it's coming here in 2020 and I have to say the handlers and renders are great. I think they are really very interesting. I love that this guy has teeth and I just like some smart choices when it comes to design choices that I think are really cool, there will be metal and it will be very detailed so it's pretty cool that the kingdoms update it next time they are abandoned. I'm just guessing 2020 because it says 2020 I don't know when exactly it will be there because in a sense they have to feed it, so in the unknown we have to contact me, and then I'll come back to you guys with a whole bunch of information, I'm sure that at some point the only thing I will point out
there seems to be some science fiction here, but then I see these rear wings behind and I assume they are attached to this guy, but maybe not. I don't know, I love the logo and I think it's an innocent program with something going on. I notice an infinity symbol there and this could explain the nature of the nights and then the techno dragons and who knows what's going on in the unknown it has a very interesting Greek techno vibe going on with their other game and so this game is probably just unique and also a theme. Then we have the disordered cosmos of the hybris. This is kind of a weird asymmetrical euro game with a marathon in it so you know it's also a bit exciting for others to fight where you fight enemies or maybe other people too, you take your workers where they have to go to get different things so it's kind of worker placement, nice graphics and they have some really cool miniatures too, so yeah the sc hool is right and i think i wish the next neo-morpheus infestation is coming so last time we have heard from the Dark Gate games was that they were reevaluating it, they will read any comments they dig into that could make it better, this has been deleted, if you remember it was going well but it wasn't a big hit and they really wanted it to be big and so they canceled it to come back and, you know, just make it bigger and b eater than ever I think a lot of people got mad about the funding goal because it was a big funding target. I mean, I wouldn't mind if they sold it for a dollar, we all know it's a fake number anyway. Outline Tenaris Adventures Draw Gory Games made over seven hundred thousand dollars in their engagement manager alone. So if their goal was less than seven hundred thousand they could have just bet a dollar, he still made the money you don't know what your privileged one will do, you don't know how many
People will like what you do, all those unknowns you can't tell, so put a number up there and they wanted it bigger than one hundred and seventy-three thousand I can't blame them, I think they made it big Plans for it and you invested all these things, all that you know, stretch goals and stuff like that so they will definitely come back with that, it might look different and my game might be different who knows what we'll see but that might still come in and finally it's a vanguard that was pretty much a given that will awaken science fiction empires type of Star Trek II plus discovery game I am very interested in this because I don't have a game like this hello -8-Sci-fi style, like a very clean game, the art is always awesome, the worlds look interesting Now. I don't know about games, I don't know if any of us know but it looks good so this is ISS Vanguard and you know people is all I have for you guys today I'm sure there are more here if there are others and not I treated it let me know maybe I don't know maybe for some reason I didn't like it who knows let's be serious in the comments below you know, if you know something, share it good news, let's spread the information that people are learning about it. I would love to hear about all the games I have missed but I hope some of these have been exciting for you and I am excited to see what he holds in the next six months It will be great, we thought big before it happens, there is way to stop it, and these are just things we know in the beginning, usually this stuff comes about a month before it hits Kickstarter so I'm sure there's a lot more in store for us anyway, guys, that's all for me today, thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video again. If so, hit the Like button. This makes me warm to the site and makes the amount of research I've done to put this together a little more rewarding, so thanks for watching, enjoy the day, guys, all rock stars and you should love each other, alright let's move on and start playing
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