KOA News! - Monster Hunter like board game_ Resin D&D minis! 900 page campaign_! - Part 2

 that very soon Storm Thunder Heirs of Ruin will also be available on February 25th. This is from Lisa Squire Games who made wild climbs and this will make our campaign big by over 300 if you take all 900 pages of the campaign book if you go all in almost 350 and more minis with no stretch goals I already know the first stretch the goal will be another Joan of Arc scale game like that if you remember Joan of Arc and how she was like me This means you could spend a thousand dollars for this game and get a shelf or game that reminds me of it. they probably will have some add-ons too i'm sure where they will keep adding looks super unique i already unboxed some of the minis i actually have a preview copy of the game since this video you haven't seen the video yet although i will probably try to post it in advance for my YouTube supporters and members if I can I just need to get it edited, but I unzipped this and it is t The biggest preview copy I have received and the best looking too. I mean, these minis are very cool, minis large, beautiful artwork on the boards, all the cards look great, a super core RPG they talk about as Knights of the Old Republic for inspiration, just some really cool stuff here, so expect unboxing soon, preview copy review soon, and a first day video soon, so many things they already have their preview link ready for the kickstarter, although now it's not all linked to it in the description below This is not it's a miniatures game but I know a lot of you guys have played D&D and I know a lot of people who like to collect fancy miniatures so there is a collection of high fancy miniatures from Throwd Down Games and I have to say a lot of them have a very unique look The Storyteller is a fantastic miniature in my opinion with a similar book brought to life. I think it's really cool. I can imagine you take something like a Gandalf as a wizard and then actually do it. They like to tell stories like they would tell them visually, it's just that it looks really cool, so the narrator is awesome, there's a baker that's like this elf dude with one

I like cake just because I have never had to paint a miniature reportage that looks cute and then there is also a dancer who I think is a very dynamic pose but also one that I could really see in a campaign, apart from you I don't see many miniatures like this, so it's also very cool and I think it's done tastefully, which is also pretty nice, it's not too crazy and out there like a mini KTM or whatever, so all and all of these look really cool, their latest campaign had bus 75mm and 35mm so they will probably be the same stuff I suppose and it looked like it was all resin, even wolfenstein, the board game of, is constitutive and yes the boss is mecha hitler if you remember our case made theirs walls where they have these beautiful plastic backdrops if you know the new warhammer games the board games the or how I think their skirmish games they come with this beautiful terrain and parts in p lastica looks great looking awesome wolf lets board game is in their real board game, will start integrating it, so not only do you know the fancy miniatures like they always do, but the game itself is like 3D that point, I mean, it's just awesome, and still Mecha Hitler Primal, the awakening, which is always still planned I heard it last time for Q2 2020 but thought it was worth mentioning again

Also, it is a great game for them, they say it is great and they will take their time and really when it is finished, so I would say at least q3, although the last time I heard Leo was q2, it is marked and I quote as a game Viking horror survival all these words put together seem incredible to me as you will build like a camp and then you will survive and then you will find out what happened to the first expedition you follow and you will do it through different scenarios during a campaign, now at the end of this campaign wall, it is still mostly cooperative, you will be like C, there will be secrets in the story, you will have secret missions and things like that, so this is how I will start as a cooperative but at the end of the campaign there is only one player as the winner so no I know how competitive it will be. It sounds very interesting how an idea the realms for Lauren released anus, so I'm in the unknown where this is another image of abandoned realms and it was like a right ray beam next to the flush creature. I don't know what it is. I mean she basically has a pink waist, horn horns and a huge halberd I don't know what her size blades like and it's all gory. I don't know, it's a very interesting teasing image, just not what I expected the image to do again but I think it has some connection to sausages just that he likes his meat what should I do to say head hugest pig bloody blade yeah sure why don't we do it ok so there are some things to admire on kickstarter united from come out you know i dont know it's going well kickstarter. It looks to me like it will become a nice mini in a popular IP, it can still do pretty much anything, there are more advanced card games out there for the wonder right now is what it looks like and I yes, I watch the video read all Kick- Start All of these things look like a pretty simple filler game, filler card game, except that as a filler card game it's expensive and much more challenging

Table space in a filler deck, so it kind of loses its purpose there, so because it's got all these miniatures that don't really do much, I mean you're just playing cards in a circle and every once in a while moving a miniature left or right, but whatever , there will not be many mini sets and not on the price, but I mentioned the shipping cost again, all these minis take up a lot of space in the box and they are heavy, so the shipping cost is the same as blood-borne just like all these others easily expect upwards of $40 so add that to every game you see on Kickstarter including this one so I don't know it seems kinda weird if you want to know a very interesting and deep Marvel based , pretty art deck, there are already way better ones out there for way cheaper so this is really only back if you want the minis, if you really want minis and the prices reach worth it just for the minis go get it but i don't know that's just me you know me i'll share what i share but it doesn't look super advanced at all, like it looks like a game i play with my kids except my kids would rather play dungeon crawler or arena or something because i raise them right but anyway the vorpal board is on kickstarter too. This is a board game rather than letting you play board games with other people again and I'm not trying to push this it's just that I already have a post out there on my Patreon and so on my for my YouTube members, so I'm thinking about playing a board game with people distant from you, but verbal boards kind of allow that, and you really don't support the content, so what they give you is a thing you can do at one table to hold your phone properly and then they give you this little box that you can safely use to take a picture of a card paper to take pictures card so you can d o all that by yourself so the 50 $ or $75 or whatever it is I think it's $75 but it comes down to it's two months free to use the app so $65 for this stuff is whatever

In my opinion that's not what Kickstart is all about, it's about funding the development and completion of their software, which sounds great. Seriously watch the Kickstarter video for this and interact with the cards and zoom in and you know you are taking your hand, which is pretty much a board simulator, but also with a physical product which means you can play any board game that you have then can play through which I think nice is not like a shit game where they should interact with physical components but whatever else you should be able to do which means my entire shelf here to my right with it i can play and i would i dont have to buy anything else and it looks really great i agree so i will definitely look into it more and let you know guys but i like the possibility that it is another thing after all it is batman season 2 almost beyond delivery thanks to the emails from Fun Again Games they are definitely preparing to actually ship it to our house which is great Long enough you can w if you prefer that or if you prefer something more scripted. I can just talk to you guys you know and share my views and chat with you guys and I'm sure the talk will be in the comments below. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about all of this and what you are looking forward to, be it a future game, be it a pledge manager, new things, old things or anything else not. i know anyway guys i hope you have a wonderful weekend and i will talk to you very soon next week and i will talk a lot about the amount of conan and storm storm and the quality of the videos i can produce so thank you very much and with that you can enjoy the rest of yours weekend


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